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Interview with Didier, our (favorite) Chief Client Officer!

The freelancing and consultancy revolution in Luxembourg

March 6, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of freelancing in Luxembourg, Payrolla has emerged as a pioneering platform offering a unique blend of freedom and security to freelancers and consultants. Didier Nyssen , Chief Clients Officer at Payrolla, shares insights into how they're reshaping the freelance ecosystem, backed by personal experiences and a deep dive into Luxembourg's employment laws.

Q: Didier, could you share a bit about your journey into talent acquisition?

A: With over ten years in the field, I've seen firsthand the evolution of talent needs and the growing demand for flexibility. From navigating the challenges of placing IT professionals in start-ups to strategizing talent acquisition for financial giants, my journey has been about adapting and innovating to meet these changing needs.

Q: What key challenges do you see for those transitioning to freelance work?

A: The switch often comes with apprehensions about unstable income and losing social protections. I've met many talented individuals hesitating at this crossroads, worried about the 10% of their time lost in admin work, or the 74% of invoices that are delayed, not to mention the 20% of income lost when dealing with traditional consultancy firms.

Q: How does Payrolla address the unique challenges of freelancing today?

A: We've turned the traditional model on its head. I remember a freelancer, let's call him John, who was struggling with erratic project payments and endless admin tasks. With Payrolla, he saw a 14% increase in his net remuneration and could finally enjoy the freedom of selecting missions without the administrative headache.

Q: Payrolla's approach sounds innovative. Can you sum it up for us?

A: Essentially, we've cracked the code by integrating the best of both worlds – the flexibility of freelancing with the stability of employment. Our platform is designed to remove administrative burdens, ensuring freelancers like John can focus on what they do best, with the added peace of mind that comes from social protections similar to Luxembourgish employees.

Q: Who benefits most from your services?

A: Both seasoned freelancers and companies looking for agile talent solutions. We cater to those seeking to work or expand in Luxembourg, offering a streamlined process that respects the nuances of Luxembourg's employment laws. Our solutions are tailored to ensure compliance and maximize benefits for all parties involved.

Q: Speaking of Luxembourg's employment laws, how does Payrolla navigate this complex landscape?

A: Luxembourg's labor laws are intricate but designed to protect workers. We've meticulously analyzed these regulations to develop a model where freelancers on missions of more than three months, with a minimum "TMJ" (Tarif Moyen Journalier) of 420 euros, can thrive. It's imperative that our freelancers have the right to work in Luxembourg, ensuring a seamless integration into our system

Photo : Samuel Chetti


Q: Can you delve into the specifics of what Payrolla requires from its freelancers and clients?

A: Absolutely. For a successful partnership, we look for missions exceeding three months to ensure continuity and stability for our freelancers. The minimum daily rate of 420 euros reflects the high caliber of professionals we engage with. It's also crucial that individuals have the legal right to work in Luxembourg, ensuring all parties benefit from the protections and opportunities within this jurisdiction.

Through Didier Nyssen's leadership, Payrolla is not just addressing the needs of freelancers and companies but is actively shaping a more flexible and secure future of work in Luxembourg. By balancing the demands of Luxembourg's employment laws with the needs of the modern workforce, Payrolla is setting a new standard in freelance employment.

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