Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions here.
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What is the minimum duration of an assignment for a Payrolla employee?
Practical Details

The minimum duration of an assignment is 3 months, with a maximum duration of 24 months.

To assist client companies in hiring the best talents, after this minimum 3-month period, they have the option to hire our external candidate.

What is the maximum duration of an assignment for a Payrolla employee?
Practical Details

The maximum duration of an assignment is 24 months, with a minimum duration of 3 months.

Furthermore, if the external candidate's assignment needs to be extended, you can have them sign a new letter of mission.

Is Payrolla a certified PSF support company?
Practical Details

No. Currently, Payrolla is not certified as a PSF (Professionnels du Secteur Financier) support company, although it is a goal for the near future.

Is it possible to interface with us via an API?
Practical Details

Yes, if you prefer to use your internal tools to communicate with Payrolla, let's discuss it.

In the event of damage caused by one of your employees, is Payrolla's liability engaged?
Practical Details

Yes. Like any consultancy that provides individuals for your company, we are covered by insurance that guarantees you in case of damage.

For more information about the insurance coverage provided, please refer to your framework contract.

How to sign a framework contract with Payrolla?
Practical Details

It's incredibly easy.

All you need to do is create a free company account on our platform. A framework contract will be generated and submitted for secure electronic signature.

Of course, this process is entirely free, with no commitment or purchase obligation.

How does Payrolla address the issue of "false self-employment"?
Practical Details

Unlike several platforms currently under scrutiny by European institutions, Payrolla is a company that fully embraces and fulfills its role as an employer, in compliance with Luxembourg legislation.

Payrolla's employees have indefinite-term employment contracts (CDI).

Since there are no self-employed individuals, there is no issue of "false self-employment."

Does our company sign an employment contract with the external candidate?
Practical Details

No. All external candidates are employed by Payrolla on a permanent contract (CDI) after a minimum mission duration of 3 months. Their assignment is invoiced to you by Payrolla, based on the number of days worked and in accordance with the pre-established compensation.

Similar to "traditional consulting," but with a significant difference: you benefit from complete transparency in cost management, and we even encourage you to openly communicate the daily rate to the external candidate.

No surprises, no hidden fees, or unjustified costs: it's the external candidates who contribute value to your company that are compensated.

Do I need to be the signatory of the framework contract to register my company on Payrolla?
Practical Details

No. In order to reduce administrative burden for executives and companies, Payrolla allows you to fill out all necessary information for the framework contract, regardless of your role within the company.

Subsequently, you can provide the contact information for the legal representative or official responsible person. This individual will be the recipient of the final document(s) to review and sign electronically.

Do I need to be a signatory of the framework contract to hire an external candidate?
Practical Details

No, not necessarily. If the person responsible for the administration of the Payrolla account grants you the permissions, you have the option to create a letter of mission yourself. In most cases, managers who are responsible for a budget are granted this authority by procurement services, human resources, and/or top management.

Can I offer a permanent employment contract to an external candidate?
Practical Details

Yes. You can offer a permanent employment contract to a Payrolled external candidate after:

  • They have completed an initial assignment of at least 3 months
  • You confirm your intention 2 months before the end of their assignment
  • You pay an amount equivalent to 10% of their annual compensation.

By doing so, we would be delighted to see you directly and permanently hire the best talents!

Can documents managed by Payrolla be downloaded and stored in other internal tools?
Practical Details

Yes, like any document, you can download them to your computer and save them on your internal tools.

Are insurances covered by Payrolla?
Practical Details

Yes. Payrolla protects its mission workers and client companies from incidents, claims, or damages that may occur or could occur in the workplace of the assignment.

For more information about the insurance coverage provided, please refer to your framework contract.